CRSC and Australian Sailing memberships expired on 1st October. Please renew ASAP. This will ensure your personal accident insurance and regatta eligibility remain current.
If you've already paid - thankyou. You should have received an email with a receipt. If not, contact the Club and we'll chase it up. Most likely cause is an out of date email address.
2024-25 Membership fees:
Senior membership - $200
Family membership - $225
Junior memberhip - $ 75
Includes Australian Sailing registration and insurance.
Boat Storage:
Senior boats - $220
Junior boats - $110
Family (capped) - $440
Remit fees to: (preferred payment method)
BSB: 728-728 Summerland Bank
Acct: 2580 6903
Use your name as the reference.
... or pay by cash, cheque or EFTPOS at the Club.
If any of your details have changed (eg email, phone etc), please complete a new Membership form so we can update our records.
2024-25 Membership Form
Printed copies also available in the canteen.
You can also join or renew online using your credit / debit card. A transaction fee applies. Follow the link below:
Join Online
Note - if renewing online, you'll need an Australian Sailing (AS) number.
Find your AS number.